Module mtc:arith Builds on mtc:shared_declarations e ::= ... | num(nat) | plus(e, e) v ::= ... | numVal(nat) ty ::= ... | natTy nat ::= z | s(nat) Projection nat : --------------------- [T-Num] typeOf G num(N) natTy typeOf G E1 natTy typeOf G E2 natTy --------------------------- [T-Plus] typeOf G plus(E1, E2) natTy ----------------------- [E-Num] eval G num(N) numVal(N) eval G E1 numVal(N1) eval G E2 numVal(N2) plusRel N1 N2 N ----------------------------- [E-Plus] eval G plus(E1, E2) numVal(N) Fixed Judgment plusRel : nat nat nat ============= [PR-Z] plusRel z N N plusRel N1 N2 N3 ====================== [PR-S] plusRel s(N1) N2 s(N3) ------------------------- [VT-NumVal] valueType numVal(N) natTy evalStep E1 E11 ----------------------------------- [ES-Plus-Step1] evalStep plus(E1, E2) plus(E11, E2) value E1 evalStep E2 E21 ----------------------------------- [ES-Plus-Step2] evalStep plus(E1, E2) plus(E1, E21) plusRel N1 N2 N -------------------------------------- [ES-Plus-Add] evalStep plus(num(N1), num(N2)) num(N) ------------ [V-Num] value num(N) ----------------------- [S-Num] subst X R num(N) num(N) subst X R E1 E11 subst X R E2 E21 ------------------------------------- [S-Plus] subst X R plus(E1, E2) plus(E11, E21) ------------------ [C-NatTy] canon natTy num(N) --------------------- [Proj-Num] |{e}- num(N) ~~> nilE --------------------------- [Proj-Plus] |{e}- plus(E1, E2) ~~> nilE ------------------------ [Proj-NumVal] |{v}- numVal(N) ~~> nilV ---------------------- [Proj-NatTy] |{ty}- natTy ~~> nilTy
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Module mtc:arith. /* Sterling doesn't let us declare fixed types, but we can fix a type by introducing a property like this */ Extensible_Theorem fix_nat : forall N, IsN : is_nat N -> N = z \/ exists N', N = s N' on IsN. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:type_preservation. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:value_evalStep_false. [Show Proof] Theorem plusRel_unique : forall N1 N2 A B, plusRel N1 N2 A -> plusRel N1 N2 B -> A = B. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:subst_unique. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:evalStep_unique. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:ty_lookup. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:subst_preservation. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:evalStep_type_preservation. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:canonical_form. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:subst_is. [Show Proof] Theorem plusRel_is : forall A B C, is_nat A -> is_nat B -> plusRel A B C -> is_nat C. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:evalStep_is. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:subst_total. [Show Proof] Theorem plusRel_total : forall N1 N2, is_nat N1 -> exists N, plusRel N1 N2 N. [Show Proof] Prove mtc:shared_declarations:progress. [Show Proof]