Extensibella Example: nonExtensible:lists

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File: lists.sos

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Module nonExtensible:lists

/*Holds if the first list contains everything in the second list and
  the first list contains everything in the second list*/
Fixed Judgment perm : [A] [A]

/*Count haw many times an item occurs in a list*/
Fixed Judgment countItem : A [A] int

/*Build a range list, inclusive*/
Fixed Judgment intRange : int int [int]

========== [Prm-Nil]
perm [] []

select A L2 L
perm Rest L2
================ [Prm-Cons]
perm (A::Rest) L

================ [Cnt-Nil]
countItem X [] 0

countItem X Rest N
1 + N = N1
====================== [Cnt-ConsEq]
countItem X X::Rest N1

X != Y
countItem X Rest N
===================== [Cnt-ConsNEq]
countItem X Y::Rest N

Low > High
==================== [IR-End]
intRange Low High []

Low <= High
1 + Low = PlusOne
intRange PlusOne High Rest
=========================== [IR-Step]
intRange Low High Low::Rest


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Module nonExtensible:lists.

Theorem perm_mem [Item] : forall (L M : list Item) I,
  perm L M -> mem I L -> mem I M. [Show Proof]

%Based on http://abella-prover.org/examples/first-order/lists.html
Theorem prm_lemma [Item] : forall A B B' (X : Item),
  perm B' A -> select X B' B -> perm B (X::A). [Show Proof]

Theorem perm_symmetric [Item] : forall (L M : list Item),
  perm L M -> perm M L. [Show Proof]

Theorem no_lookup_perm [Key, Value] :
  forall (L P : list (pair Key Value)) (Key : Key),
    no_lookup L Key -> perm L P -> no_lookup P Key. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_is_integer [Item] : forall (I : Item) L N,
  countItem I L N -> is_integer N. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_geq_0 [Item] : forall (I : Item) L N,
  countItem I L N -> N >= 0. [Show Proof]

Theorem select_countItem [Item] : forall (I : Item) L Rest N N',
  countItem I L N -> select I Rest L -> N - 1 = N' ->
  countItem I Rest N'. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_select [Item] : forall (I : Item) L Rest N' N,
  countItem I Rest N' -> select I Rest L -> 1 + N' = N ->
  countItem I L N. [Show Proof]

Theorem select_countItem_neq [Item] : forall (I J : Item) L Rest N,
  countItem I L N -> select J Rest L -> (I = J -> false) ->
  countItem I Rest N. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_select_neq [Item] : forall (I J : Item) L Rest N,
  countItem I Rest N -> select J Rest L -> (I = J -> false) ->
  countItem I L N. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_unique [Item] : forall (I : Item) NA NB L,
  countItem I L NA -> countItem I L NB -> NA = NB. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_mem [Item] : forall (I : Item) N L,
  countItem I L N -> N > 0 -> mem I L. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_not_mem [Item] : forall (I : Item) L,
  countItem I L 0 -> mem I L -> false. [Show Proof]

Theorem countItem_greater_0 [Item] : forall (I : Item) L N,
  countItem I (I::L) N -> N > 0. [Show Proof]

Theorem perm_countItems [Item] : forall L P (I : Item) NL NP,
  perm L P -> countItem I L NL -> countItem I P NP -> NL = NP. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_is : forall Low High R,
  is_integer Low -> intRange Low High R -> is_list is_integer R. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_low_lesseq : forall Low High R X,
  is_integer Low -> intRange Low High R -> mem X R -> Low <= X. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_high_lesseq : forall Low High R X,
  is_integer Low -> intRange Low High R -> mem X R -> X <= High. [Show Proof]

Theorem in_intRange : forall Low High R X,
  is_integer Low -> is_integer X ->
  intRange Low High R -> Low <= X -> X <= High ->
  mem X R. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_unique : forall Low High R1 R2,
  intRange Low High R1 -> intRange Low High R2 -> R1 = R2. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_smaller_exists : forall Low High R Low',
  is_integer Low -> is_integer Low' -> intRange Low High R ->
  Low < Low' -> exists R', intRange Low' High R'. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_subset : forall Low Low' High R R',
  is_integer Low -> is_integer Low' ->
  intRange Low High R -> intRange Low' High R' -> Low < Low' ->
  subset R' R. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_select_unique : forall Low High R X Rest Rest',
  is_integer Low -> intRange Low High R ->
  select X Rest R -> select X Rest' R ->
  Rest = Rest'. [Show Proof]

Theorem intRange_exists : forall Low High,
  is_integer Low -> is_integer High -> exists R, intRange Low High R. [Show Proof]

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