Module simple_imp:list Builds on simple_imp:host /*New Expressions and Projections*/ e ::= ... | nil(ty) /*we need the type to satisfy a host property*/ | cons(e, e) | null(e) | head(e) | tail(e) | index(e, e) /*lst[i]*/ | length(e) --------------------------------------------- [Proj-Nil] |{e}- nil(Ty) ~~> recBuild(addRecFieldExprs("null", true, endRecFieldExprs)) ---------------------------------------------------------- [Proj-Cons] |{e}- cons(E1, E2) ~~> recBuild( addRecFieldExprs("null", false, addRecFieldExprs("head", E1, addRecFieldExprs("tail", E2, endRecFieldExprs)))) ------------------- [Proj-Null] |{e}- null(E) ~~> E ------------------- [Proj-Head] |{e}- head(E) ~~> E ------------------- [Proj-Tail] |{e}- tail(E) ~~> E /*Actually computing the length or index from records would require conditionals, so we'll take advantage of the lax projection constraints and translate to something unrelated to the actual value.*/ -------------------------------------------------- [Proj-Index] |{e}- index(Lst, Index) ~~> and(null(Lst), eq(num(0), Index)) --------------------- [Proj-Length] |{e}- length(E) ~~> E /*New Type and Projection*/ ty ::= ... | listTy(ty) /*Strictly speaking, an empty list doesn't have the head or tail fields. However, we don't have any projection constraints on types, so we can do whatever we want, and this is close.*/ ----------------------------------------------- [Proj-ListTy] |{ty}- listTy(T) ~~> recTy([("head", T), ("tail", listTy(T)), ("null", boolTy)]) /*New Value and Projection*/ value ::= ... | nilVal | consVal(value, value) ------------------------------------------------ [Proj-NilVal] |{value}- nilVal ~~> recVal([("null", trueVal)]) --------------------------------------------- [Proj-ConsVal] |{value}- consVal(Hd, Tl) ~~> recVal([("head", Hd), ("tail", Tl), ("null", falseVal)])
Module simple_imp:list
/*Expression Vars*/
--------------- [V-Nil]
vars nil(Ty) []
vars E1 D1
vars E2 D2
D1 ++ D2 = D
------------------- [V-Cons]
vars cons(E1, E2) D
vars E D
-------------- [V-Null]
vars null(E) D
vars E D
-------------- [V-Head]
vars head(E) D
vars E D
-------------- [V-Tail]
vars tail(E) D
vars E1 D1
vars E2 D2
D1 ++ D2 = D
-------------------- [V-Index]
vars index(E1, E2) D
vars E D
---------------- [V-Length]
vars length(E) D
Module simple_imp:list /*Expression Typing*/ --------------------------- [T-Nil] typeOf G nil(Ty) listTy(Ty) typeOf G E1 Ty typeOf G E2 listTy(Ty) -------------------------------- [T-Cons] typeOf G cons(E1, E2) listTy(Ty) typeOf G E listTy(Ty) ----------------------- [T-Null] typeOf G null(E) boolTy typeOf G E listTy(Ty) --------------------- [T-Head] typeOf G head(E) Ty typeOf G E listTy(Ty) --------------------------- [T-Tail] typeOf G tail(E) listTy(Ty) typeOf G List listTy(Ty) typeOf G Index intTy ------------------------------ [T-Index] typeOf G index(List, Index) Ty typeOf G Lst listTy(Ty) -------------------------- [T-Length] typeOf G length(Lst) intTy /*Value Typing*/ --------------------------- [TV-Nil] typeOfVal nilVal listTy(Ty) typeOfVal V1 Ty typeOfVal V2 listTy(Ty) ------------------------------------ [TV-Cons] typeOfVal consVal(V1, V2) listTy(Ty)
Module simple_imp:list /*Expression Evaluation*/ ----------------------- [E-Nil] eval_e G nil(Ty) nilVal eval_e G E1 V1 eval_e G E2 V2 ------------------------------------- [E-Cons] eval_e G cons(E1, E2) consVal(V1, V2) eval_e G E nilVal ---------------------- [E-NullTrue] eval_e G null(E) trueVal eval_e G E consVal(V1, V2) -------------------------- [E-NullFalse] eval_e G null(E) falseVal eval_e G E consVal(V1, V2) -------------------------- [E-Head] eval_e G head(E) V1 eval_e G E consVal(V1, V2) -------------------------- [E-Tail] eval_e G tail(E) V2 /*To address proof problems, explicitly make indexing H::T We need this form in order for indexing to succeed anyway Another option would be to make indexRel fixed*/ eval_e G E1 consVal(Hd, Tl) eval_e G E2 intVal(I) indexRel consVal(Hd, Tl) I V ---------------------------- [E-Index] eval_e G index(E1, E2) V eval_e G E ListVal lengthRel ListVal Length --------------------------------- [E-Length] eval_e G length(E) intVal(Length) /*Support for list expression evaluation*/ Judgment indexRel : value* int value ----------------------------- [Index-0] indexRel consVal(Hd, Tl) 0 Hd Index - 1 = SubIndex indexRel Tl SubIndex V -------------------------------- [Index-Step] indexRel consVal(Hd, Tl) Index V |{value}- V ~~> VT indexRel VT I Result -------------------- [Index-D]* indexRel V I Result Judgment lengthRel : value* int --------------- [Len-Nil] lengthRel nilVal 0 lengthRel Tl SubLen SubLen + 1 = Len ----------------------------- [Len-Cons] lengthRel consVal(Hd, Tl) Len |{value}- V ~~> VT lengthRel VT Len ------------------ [Len-D]* lengthRel V Len /*Value Equality*/ -------------------- [VE-NilVal] val_eq nilVal nilVal val_eq V11 V21 val_eq V12 V22 ------------------------------------------ [VE-ConsVal] val_eq consVal(V11, V12) consVal(V21, V22)
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Module simple_imp:list. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_e_unique. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_e_is. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_rf_unique. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_rf_is. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_c_unique. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_c_is. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_recFields_unique. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_recFields_is. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_ty_unique. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_ty_is. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_value_unique. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_value_is. [Show Proof] Prove simple_imp:host:vars_join, simple_imp:host:vars_rf_join. [Show Proof] Prove simple_imp:host:vars_unique, simple_imp:host:vars_rf_unique. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_e_vars_exist. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_e_vars. [Show Proof] Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_rf_vars_exist. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_rf_vars. Prove simple_imp:host:vars_is, simple_imp:host:vars_rf_is. [Show Proof] Prove simple_imp:host:vars_exist, simple_imp:host:vars_rf_exist. [Show Proof] Prove simple_imp:host:typeOf_unique, simple_imp:host:typeRecFields_unique. [Show Proof] Prove simple_imp:host:typeOK_unique. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_eval_e. [Show Proof] Extensible_Theorem index_is_integer : forall L I V, Index : indexRel L I V -> is_integer I on Index. [Show Proof] Extensible_Theorem index_negative_false : forall L I V, Index : indexRel L I V -> Neg : I < 0 -> false on Index. [Show Proof] Extensible_Theorem index_unique : forall L I V1 V2, Index1 : indexRel L I V1 -> Index2 : indexRel L I V2 -> V1 = V2 on Index1. [Show Proof] Extensible_Theorem length_is_integer : forall L V, Len : lengthRel L V -> is_integer V on Len. [Show Proof] Extensible_Theorem length_unique : forall L V1 V2, Len1 : lengthRel L V1 -> Len2 : lengthRel L V2 -> V1 = V2 on Len1. [Show Proof] Prove simple_imp:host:eval_e_unique, simple_imp:host:eval_rf_unique. [Show Proof] Prove simple_imp:host:update_rec_fields_unique. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_c_eval. Add_Ext_Size simple_imp:host:eval_c. Add_Proj_Rel simple_imp:host:eval_c. Prove_Ext_Ind simple_imp:host:eval_c. Prove simple_imp:host:eval_c_unique. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_c_eval_results. Prove_Constraint simple_imp:host:proj_c_eval_results_back. Prove simple_imp:host:vars_eval_same_result, simple_imp:host:vars_equal_rf_same_result. [Show Proof]