Module soundX:host tm ::= var(string) | abs(string, ty, tm) | app(tm, tm) | num(int) | plus(tm, tm) Projection tm : [(string, ty)] ty ::= arrowTy(ty, ty) | intTy Projection ty : Judgment typeOf : [(string, ty)] tm* ty lookup Ctx X Ty -------------------- [T-Var] typeOf Ctx var(X) Ty typeOf (X, Ty1)::Ctx Body Ty2 ---------------------------------------------- [T-Abs] typeOf Ctx abs(X, Ty1, Body) arrowTy(Ty1, Ty2) typeOf Ctx T1 arrowTy(Ty1, Ty2) typeOf Ctx T2 Ty1 ------------------------------- [T-App] typeOf Ctx app(T1, T2) Ty2 ----------------------- [T-Num] typeOf Ctx num(I) intTy typeOf Ctx T1 intTy typeOf Ctx T2 intTy ----------------------------- [T-Plus] typeOf Ctx plus(T1, T2) intTy /* Desugaring removes all the extension-introduced syntax constructors by desugaring sub-terms of known constructors and projecting terms built by extension-introduced constructors, then desugaring their projections. */ Fixed Judgment desugar_tm : [(string, ty)] tm tm Fixed Judgment desugar_ty : ty ty Fixed Judgment desugar_ctx : [(string, ty)] [(string, ty)] ============================ [DTm-Var] desugar_tm Ctx var(X) var(X) desugar_ty Ty DTy desugar_tm (X, Ty)::Ctx Tm DTm ============================================== [DTm-Abs] desugar_tm Ctx abs(X, Ty, Tm) abs(X, DTy, DTm) desugar_tm Ctx A DA desugar_tm Ctx B DB ==================================== [DTm-App] desugar_tm Ctx app(A, B) app(DA, DB) ============================ [DTm-Num] desugar_tm Ctx num(I) num(I) desugar_tm Ctx A DA desugar_tm Ctx B DB ====================================== [DTm-Plus] desugar_tm Ctx plus(A, B) plus(DA, DB) Ctx |{tm}- T ~~> T_P desugar_tm Ctx T_P DT ===================== [DTm-Proj] desugar_tm Ctx T DT desugar_ty A DA desugar_ty B DB ======================================== [DTy-Arrow] desugar_ty arrowTy(A, B) arrowTy(DA, DB) ====================== [DTy-Int] desugar_ty intTy intTy |{ty}- Ty ~~> Ty_P desugar_ty Ty_P DTy =================== [DTy-Proj] desugar_ty Ty DTy ================= [DCtx-Nil] desugar_ctx [] [] desugar_ty Ty DTy desugar_ctx Rest DRest ========================================= [DCtx-Cons] desugar_ctx (X, Ty)::Rest (X, DTy)::DRest /* Because extensions can only add new constructs and typing rules, evaluation and related judgments are defined as fixed. */ Fixed Judgment eval : tm tm Fixed Judgment subst : string tm tm tm Fixed Judgment value : tm eval T1 T11 ============================= [E-App-Step1] eval app(T1, T2) app(T11, T2) value T1 eval T2 T21 ============================= [E-App-Step2] eval app(T1, T2) app(T1, T21) value T2 subst X T2 Body V ================================ [E-App-Subst] eval app(abs(X, Ty, Body), T2) V eval T1 T11 =============================== [E-Plus-Step1] eval plus(T1, T2) plus(T11, T2) value T1 eval T2 T21 =============================== [E-Plus-Step2] eval plus(T1, T2) plus(T1, T21) I1 + I2 = I ================================== [E-Plus-Add] eval plus(num(I1), num(I2)) num(I) X != Y ======================= [S-Var-NEq] subst X R var(Y) var(Y) ================== [S-Var-Eq] subst X R var(X) R X != Y subst X R B S ===================================== [S-Abs-NEq] subst X R abs(Y, Ty, B) abs(Y, Ty, S) ===================================== [S-Abs-Eq] subst X R abs(X, Ty, B) abs(X, Ty, B) subst X R T1 S1 subst X R T2 S2 ================================= [S-App] subst X R app(T1, T2) app(S1, S2) ======================= [S-Num] subst X R num(I) num(I) subst X R T1 S1 subst X R T2 S2 =================================== [S-Plus] subst X R plus(T1, T2) plus(S1, S2) =================== [V-Abs] value abs(X, Ty, T) ============ [V-Num] value num(I)
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Module soundX:host. /******************************************************************** We prove properties about typing, as well as projection constraints, for all constructs, regardless of which module is introducing them. ********************************************************************/ Theorem lookup_ty_is : forall Ctx X Ty, is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> lookup Ctx X Ty -> is_ty Ty. [Show Proof] Projection_Constraint proj_ty_is : forall Ty Ty', Proj : |{ty}- Ty ~~> Ty' -> IsTy : is_ty Ty -> is_ty Ty'. /* This goes before proj_is because projection might depend on the context, and thus the type, so we might need this to prove that. */ Extensible_Theorem type_is : forall Ctx T Ty, IsCtx : is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> IsT : is_tm T -> Ty : typeOf Ctx T Ty -> is_ty Ty on Ty. [Show Proof] Projection_Constraint proj_is : forall Ctx T T', Proj : Ctx |{tm}- T ~~> T' -> IsCtx : is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> IsT : is_tm T -> is_tm T'. Extensible_Theorem type_unique : forall Ctx T TyA TyB, IsCtx : is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> IsT : is_tm T -> TyA : typeOf Ctx T TyA -> TyB : typeOf Ctx T TyB -> TyA = TyB on TyA. [Show Proof] Extensible_Theorem ty_lookup : forall Ctx1 Ctx2 T Ty, Ty : typeOf Ctx1 T Ty -> L : (forall X XTy, lookup Ctx1 X XTy -> lookup Ctx2 X XTy) -> typeOf Ctx2 T Ty on Ty. [Show Proof] Theorem empty_ty_any : forall T Ty Ctx, typeOf [] T Ty -> typeOf Ctx T Ty. [Show Proof] Projection_Constraint proj_ty_unique : forall Ty TyA TyB, |{ty}- Ty ~~> TyA -> |{ty}- Ty ~~> TyB -> is_ty Ty -> TyA = TyB. Projection_Constraint proj_tm_unique : forall Ctx T TA TB, Ctx |{tm}- T ~~> TA -> Ctx |{tm}- T ~~> TB -> is_tm T -> is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> TA = TB. /******************************************************************** Everything is desugared before we get to evaluation, and we need some properties about desugarings. ********************************************************************/ Theorem lookup_desugar_ctx : forall Ctx X Ty Ctx', lookup Ctx X Ty -> desugar_ctx Ctx Ctx' -> exists Ty', lookup Ctx' X Ty' /\ desugar_ty Ty Ty'. [Show Proof] Theorem desugar_ty_unique : forall Ty TyA TyB, is_ty Ty -> desugar_ty Ty TyA -> desugar_ty Ty TyB -> TyA = TyB. [Show Proof] Theorem desugar_tm_unique : forall Ctx T TA TB, is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> is_tm T -> desugar_tm Ctx T TA -> desugar_tm Ctx T TB -> TA = TB. [Show Proof] Extensible_Theorem desugar_ty_exists : forall Ty, IsTy : is_ty Ty -> exists Ty', desugar_ty Ty Ty' on IsTy. [Show Proof] %These are like the is_tm and is_ty predicates Sterling generates, but %only for the host language's constructs. Define host_is_ty : ty -> prop by host_is_ty (arrowTy Ty1 Ty2) := host_is_ty Ty1 /\ host_is_ty Ty2; host_is_ty intTy. Define host_is_tm : tm -> prop by host_is_tm (var X) := is_string X; host_is_tm (abs X Ty B) := is_string X /\ host_is_ty Ty /\ host_is_tm B; host_is_tm (app A B) := host_is_tm A /\ host_is_tm B; host_is_tm (num I) := is_integer I; host_is_tm (plus A B) := host_is_tm A /\ host_is_tm B. Theorem desugar_ty_host_is_ty : forall Ty DTy, is_ty Ty -> desugar_ty Ty DTy -> host_is_ty DTy. [Show Proof] Theorem desugar_tm_host_is_tm : forall Ctx T DT, is_tm T -> is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> desugar_tm Ctx T DT -> host_is_tm DT. [Show Proof] /******************************************************************** SoundX's Property: Desugared terms have desugared types ********************************************************************/ Extensible_Theorem desugar_ty_rel : forall Ctx T Ty T' Ty' Ctx', IsT : is_tm T -> IsCtx : is_list (is_pair is_string is_ty) Ctx -> Ty : typeOf Ctx T Ty -> DT : desugar_tm Ctx T T' -> DTy : desugar_ty Ty Ty' -> DCtx : desugar_ctx Ctx Ctx' -> typeOf Ctx' T' Ty' on Ty. [Show Proof] /******************************************************************** We can prove properties about evaluation and substitution for the host language alone because everything is desugared before we evaluate it. ********************************************************************/ Theorem subst_is : forall X R T S, is_tm T -> is_string X -> is_tm R -> subst X R T S -> is_tm S. [Show Proof] Theorem eval_is : forall T T', is_tm T -> eval T T' -> is_tm T'. [Show Proof] Theorem subst_unique : forall X R T VA VB, subst X R T VA -> subst X R T VB -> VA = VB. [Show Proof] Theorem value_eval_false : forall T V, value T -> eval T V -> false. [Show Proof] Theorem eval_unique : forall T VA VB, eval T VA -> eval T VB -> VA = VB. [Show Proof] Theorem subst_type_preservation : forall T Ctx X XTy Ty R S, typeOf ((X, XTy)::Ctx) T Ty -> subst X R T S -> typeOf [] R XTy -> typeOf Ctx S Ty. [Show Proof] Theorem type_preservation : forall T Ty T', typeOf [] T Ty -> eval T T' -> typeOf [] T' Ty. [Show Proof] Theorem subst_total : forall X R T, host_is_tm T -> is_string X -> exists S, subst X R T S. [Show Proof] Theorem canonical_form_intTy : forall V, value V -> typeOf [] V intTy -> exists I, V = num(I). [Show Proof] Theorem canonical_form_arrowTy : forall V Ty1 Ty2, value V -> typeOf [] V (arrowTy Ty1 Ty2) -> exists X B, V = abs X Ty1 B. [Show Proof] Theorem progress : forall T Ty, host_is_tm T -> typeOf [] T Ty -> (exists T', eval T T') \/ value T. [Show Proof]