Extensibella Example: unsat_proofs:lrat

Language Specification

File: syntax.sos

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Module unsat_proofs:lrat

  Variables are integers
lit ::= pos(int)
      | neg(int)

Projection lit :

clause ::= emptyClause
         | or(lit, clause)

Projection clause :

formula ::= emptyFormula
          | and(clause, formula)

Projection formula :

  Clause ID is an integer
proof ::= emptyLrat(int, [int])
        | addLrupProof(int, clause, [int], proof)
        | deleteLratProof(int, proof)

Projection proof : [(int, clause)]

File: sat.sos

[Reduce File] [Raw File]
Module unsat_proofs:lrat

Judgment sat_clause : [lit] clause*
Judgment sat_formula : [lit] formula*

mem L A
------------------------ [SC-Here]
sat_clause A or(L, Rest)

sat_clause A Rest
------------------------ [SC-Later]
sat_clause A or(L, Rest)

-------------------------- [SF-Empty]
sat_formula A emptyFormula

sat_clause A C
sat_formula A Rest
-------------------------- [SF-And]
sat_formula A and(C, Rest)

Judgment negate_lit : lit* lit

------------------------ [N-Pos]
negate_lit pos(V) neg(V)

------------------------ [N-Neg]
negate_lit neg(V) pos(V)

Judgment unsat_clause : [lit] clause*

-------------------------- [USC-EmptyClause]
unsat_clause A emptyClause

negate_lit L NL
mem NL A
unsat_clause A Rest
-------------------------- [USC-Step]
unsat_clause A or(L, Rest)

File: check.sos

[Reduce File] [Raw File]
Module unsat_proofs:lrat

Fixed Judgment proveFormula : formula proof

formulaToKnown 1 F KnownClauses
checkProof KnownClauses Prf
=============================== [ProveFormula]
proveFormula F Prf

/*Turn a formula into a list of known clauses, numbering them with the
  first argument*/
Judgment formulaToKnown : int formula* [(int, clause)]

--------------------------------- [FTK-Empty]
formulaToKnown ID emptyFormula []

ID + 1 = NewID
formulaToKnown NewID Rest KRest
--------------------------------------------- [FTK-And]
formulaToKnown ID and(C, Rest) (ID, C)::KRest

Judgment checkProof : [(int, clause)] proof*

rupProof Known emptyClause Prf
----------------------------------- [CP-EmptyLrat]
checkProof Known emptyLrat(ID, Prf)

remove_all Known ID KRest
rupProof Known C Prf
checkProof (ID, C)::KRest Rest
----------------------------------------------- [CP-AddLrup]
checkProof Known addLrupProof(ID, C, Prf, Rest)

select (ID, C) KRest Known
checkProof KRest Rest
------------------------------------------ [CP-DeleteLrat]
checkProof Known deleteLratProof(ID, Rest)

  Known |{proof}- P ~~> P_P
  checkProof Known P_P
  ------------------------- [CP-Q]
  checkProof Known P

Judgment gatherLits : clause* [lit]

------------------------- [GL-EmptyClause]
gatherLits emptyClause []

gatherLits Rest LRest
------------------------------- [GL-Or]
gatherLits or(L, Rest) L::LRest

Fixed Judgment negateLitList : [lit] [lit]

=================== [NLL-Nil]
negateLitList [] []

negate_lit L N
negateLitList LRest NRest
=================================== [NLL-Cons]
negateLitList (L::LRest) (N::NRest)

                         /*known clauses, clause, proof*/
Fixed Judgment rupProof : [(int, clause)] clause [int]
                          /*known clauses, assignment, proof*/
Fixed Judgment rupProof_help : [(int, clause)] [lit] [int]

gatherLits C Lits
negateLitList Lits A
rupProof_help Known A Prf
========================= [RUPP]
rupProof Known C Prf

lookup Known ID C
unsat_clause A C
========================= [RUPPH-End]
rupProof_help Known A [ID]

lookup Known ID C
unit_clause A C L
rupProof_help Known L::A Prf
============================= [RUPPH-Step]
rupProof_help Known A ID::Prf

                     /*assignment, clause, unit ID*/
Judgment unit_clause : [lit] clause* lit

!mem L A
negate_lit L NL
!mem NL A
unsat_clause A C
------------------------ [UC-Here]
unit_clause A or(L, C) L

negate_lit L NL
mem NL A
unit_clause A C UL
------------------------- [UC-Later]
unit_clause A or(L, C) UL

/*remove all the bindings for the given ID
  succeeds even if no bindings are present*/
Fixed Judgment remove_all : [(int, clause)] int [(int, clause)]

================== [RA-Nil]
remove_all [] I []

remove_all IRest I Rest
=============================== [RA-Remove]
remove_all (I, C)::IRest I Rest

A != I
remove_all IRest I Rest
======================================= [RA-Step]
remove_all (A, C)::IRest I (A, C)::Rest


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Module unsat_proofs:lrat.

 *                           PROJECTIONS                            *
Projection_Constraint proj_lit_unique : forall L LA LB,
  ProjA : |{lit}- L ~~> LA ->
  ProjB : |{lit}- L ~~> LB ->
  LA = LB.
Projection_Constraint proj_lit_is : forall L LT,
  Proj : |{lit}- L ~~> LT ->
  IsL : is_lit L ->
  is_lit LT.

Projection_Constraint proj_clause_unique : forall C CA CB,
  ProjA : |{clause}- C ~~> CA ->
  ProjB : |{clause}- C ~~> CB ->
  CA = CB.
Projection_Constraint proj_clause_is : forall C CT,
  Proj : |{clause}- C ~~> CT ->
  IsC : is_clause C ->
  is_clause CT.

Projection_Constraint proj_formula_unique : forall F FA FB,
  ProjA : |{formula}- F ~~> FA ->
  ProjB : |{formula}- F ~~> FB ->
  FA = FB.
Projection_Constraint proj_formula_is : forall F FT,
  Proj : |{formula}- F ~~> FT ->
  IsF : is_formula F ->
  is_formula FT.

%Have proj_proof_is later because, relying on the known clauses as
%the projection may, it might be it also relies on other relations
%that use them, and then we want properties of them.

 *                           IS EXT_INDS                            *
Proj_Rel is_clause C.
Ext_Ind forall C, is_clause C. [Show Proof]

Proj_Rel is_formula F.
Ext_Ind forall F, is_formula F. [Show Proof]

  Don't have Ext_Ind for is_proof because the projection can depend on
  the provability of the clause, so getting that for arbitrary proofs
  without adding checkProof is not possible, and adding checkProof is
  an unreasonable addition for Ext_Ind for is_proof.

 *                        DECIDABLE EQUALITY                        *
%Make this a fixed type as there is nothing else reasonable to add
  is_lit_pos_or_neg : forall L,
    IsL : is_lit L ->
    exists I, L = pos I \/ L = neg I
  on IsL. [Show Proof]

Theorem is_lit_eq_or_not : forall L1 L2,
  is_lit L1 -> is_lit L2 -> L1 = L2 \/ (L1 = L2 -> false). [Show Proof]

  is_clause_empty_or_not : forall C,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    emptyClause = C \/ (emptyClause = C -> false)
  on IsC. [Show Proof]

  is_clause_or_or_not : forall C,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    (exists L R, or L R = C) \/ ((exists L R, or L R = C) -> false)
  on IsC. [Show Proof]

  is_clause_eq_or_not : forall C1 C2,
    IsC1 : is_clause C1 ->
    IsC2 : is_clause C2 ->
    C1 = C2 \/ (C1 = C2 -> false)
  on IsC1. [Show Proof]

  is_formula_empty_or_not : forall F,
    IsF : is_formula F ->
    F = emptyFormula \/ (F = emptyFormula -> false)
  on IsF. [Show Proof]

  is_formula_and_or_not : forall F,
    IsF : is_formula F ->
    (exists C F', F = unsat_proofs:lrat:and C F') \/
    ((exists C F', F = unsat_proofs:lrat:and C F') -> false)
  on IsF. [Show Proof]

  is_formula_eq_or_not : forall F1 F2,
    IsF1 : is_formula F1 ->
    IsF2 : is_formula F2 ->
    F1 = F2 \/ (F1 = F2 -> false)
  on IsF1. [Show Proof]

Theorem is_list_integer_eq_or_not : forall L1 L2,
  is_list is_integer L1 -> is_list is_integer L2 ->
  L1 = L2 \/ (L1 = L2 -> false). [Show Proof]

 *                           LIST HELPERS                           *
Theorem lookup_after_select : forall Known ID ID' C C' KRest,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known -> is_integer ID' ->
  (forall I C1 C2, mem (I, C1) Known ->
                   mem (I, C2) Known -> C1 = C2) ->
  select (ID, C) KRest Known -> lookup KRest ID' C' ->
  lookup Known ID' C'. [Show Proof]

Theorem mem_is : forall Known (IDC : pair integer clause),
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known -> mem IDC Known ->
  exists ID C, IDC = (ID, C) /\ is_integer ID /\ is_clause C. [Show Proof]

Theorem mem_is_lit : forall Assignment L,
  is_list is_lit Assignment -> mem L Assignment -> is_lit L. [Show Proof]

Theorem select_is : forall Known KRest IDC,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  select IDC KRest Known ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) KRest. [Show Proof]

Theorem select_is_picked : forall Known IDC KRest,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  select IDC KRest Known ->
  is_pair is_integer is_clause IDC. [Show Proof]

Theorem is_list_lit_mem_or_not : forall A L,
  is_list is_lit A -> is_lit L ->
  mem L A \/ (mem L A -> false). [Show Proof]

Theorem is_list_lit_subset_or_not : forall A B,
  is_list is_lit A -> is_list is_lit B ->
  (forall X, mem X A -> mem X B) \/
  exists X, mem X A /\ (mem X B -> false). [Show Proof]

Theorem is_list_mem_lookup : forall Known ID C,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  mem (ID, C) Known -> is_integer ID ->
  exists C', lookup Known ID C'. [Show Proof]

Theorem lookup_is_value : forall K ID C,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K -> lookup K ID C ->
  is_clause C. [Show Proof]

Theorem lookup_is_key : forall K ID C,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K -> lookup K ID C ->
  is_integer ID. [Show Proof]

Theorem is_pair_eq_or_not : forall (PA PB : pair integer clause),
  is_pair is_integer is_clause PA ->
  is_pair is_integer is_clause PB ->
  PA = PB \/ (PA = PB -> false). [Show Proof]

Theorem is_count_exists : forall L IDC,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) L ->
  is_pair is_integer is_clause IDC ->
  exists N, count IDC L N. [Show Proof]

Theorem all_count_0_nil : forall L,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) L ->
  (forall X N, count X L N -> N = 0) ->
  L = []. [Show Proof]

Theorem counts_permutation : forall L P,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) L ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) P ->
  (forall X NL NP, is_pair is_integer is_clause X ->
                   count X L NL -> count X P NP -> NL = NP) ->
  permutation L P. [Show Proof]

Theorem selects_permutation : forall L P IDC LRest PRest,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) L ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) P ->
  permutation L P -> select IDC LRest L -> select IDC PRest P ->
  permutation LRest PRest. [Show Proof]

Theorem permutation_reflexive : forall L,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) L -> permutation L L. [Show Proof]

Theorem permutation_is : forall L P,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) P -> permutation L P ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) L. [Show Proof]

 *                               SAT                                *
/*assignment only has L or -L, not both*/
Define good_assignment : list lit -> prop by
  good_assignment A :=
    forall L NL, mem L A -> negate_lit L NL -> mem NL A -> false.

Theorem good_assignment_sub : forall A B,
  good_assignment A -> (forall X, mem X B -> mem X A) ->
  good_assignment B. [Show Proof]

  negate_lit_unique : forall L LA LB,
    IsL : is_lit L ->
    NegA : negate_lit L LA ->
    NegB : negate_lit L LB ->
    LA = LB
  on NegA. [Show Proof]

  negate_lit_reverse : forall L NL,
    IsL : is_lit L ->
    Neg : negate_lit L NL ->
    negate_lit NL L
  on Neg. [Show Proof]

  negate_lit_not_same : forall L,
    IsL : is_lit L ->
    Neg : negate_lit L L ->
  on Neg.

  negate_lit_is_lit : forall L NL,
    IsL : is_lit L ->
    Neg : negate_lit L NL ->
    is_lit NL
  on Neg. [Show Proof]

  negate_lit_is_lit_back : forall L NL,
    IsNL : is_lit NL ->
    Neg : negate_lit L NL ->
    is_lit L
  on Neg. [Show Proof]

  negate_lit_exists : forall L,
    IsL : is_lit L ->
    exists NL, negate_lit L NL
  on IsL. [Show Proof]

%Projections are equisatisfiable with their projecting clauses
Projection_Constraint sat_clause_ext_to_proj : forall C C' Sat,
  |{clause}- C ~~> C' -> is_list is_lit Sat -> is_clause C ->
  sat_clause Sat C -> sat_clause Sat C'.
Projection_Constraint sat_clause_proj_to_ext : forall C C' Sat,
  |{clause}- C ~~> C' -> is_list is_lit Sat -> is_clause C ->
  sat_clause Sat C' -> sat_clause Sat C.
Projection_Constraint unsat_clause_ext_to_proj : forall C C' Unsat,
  |{clause}- C ~~> C' -> is_list is_lit Unsat -> is_clause C ->
  unsat_clause Unsat C -> unsat_clause Unsat C'.
Projection_Constraint unsat_clause_proj_to_ext : forall C C' Unsat,
  |{clause}- C ~~> C' -> is_list is_lit Unsat -> is_clause C ->
  unsat_clause Unsat C' -> unsat_clause Unsat C.

%Projections are equisatisfiable with their projecting formulas
Projection_Constraint sat_formula_ext_to_proj : forall F F' Sat,
  |{formula}- F ~~> F' -> is_list is_lit Sat -> sat_formula Sat F ->
  sat_formula Sat F'.
Projection_Constraint sat_formula_proj_to_ext : forall F F' Sat,
  |{formula}- F ~~> F' -> is_list is_lit Sat -> sat_formula Sat F' ->
  sat_formula Sat F.

  unsat_sat_clause : forall A C,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA : is_list is_lit A ->
    UNSAT : unsat_clause A C ->
    SAT : sat_clause A C ->
    GA : good_assignment A ->
  on UNSAT. [Show Proof]

  sat_clause_orderless : forall A1 A2 C,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA1 : is_list is_lit A1 ->
    IsA2 : is_list is_lit A2 ->
    SAT : sat_clause A1 C ->
    MemA1A2 : (forall L, mem L A1 -> mem L A2) ->
    sat_clause A2 C
  on SAT. [Show Proof]

  sat_formula_orderless : forall A1 A2 F,
    IsF : is_formula F ->
    IsA1 : is_list is_lit A1 ->
    IsA2 : is_list is_lit A2 ->
    SAT : sat_formula A1 F ->
    MemA1A2 : (forall L, mem L A1 -> mem L A2) ->
    sat_formula A2 F
  on SAT. [Show Proof]

  unsat_clause_orderless : forall A1 A2 C,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA1 : is_list is_lit A1 ->
    IsA2 : is_list is_lit A2 ->
    UNSAT : unsat_clause A1 C ->
    MemA1A2 : (forall L, mem L A1 -> mem L A2) ->
    unsat_clause A2 C
  on UNSAT. [Show Proof]

 *                          UNSAT PROOFS                            *
  unit_clause_is : forall A C L,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA : is_list is_lit A ->
    Unit : unit_clause A C L ->
    is_lit L
  on Unit. [Show Proof]

  unit_clause_unique : forall A B C LA LB,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA : is_list is_lit A ->
    IsB : is_list is_lit B ->
    UnitA : unit_clause A C LA ->
    UnitB : unit_clause B C LB ->
    Prm : permutation A B ->
    LA = LB
  on UnitA. [Show Proof]

  unit_clause_not_assigned : forall A C L,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA : is_list is_lit A ->
    UC : unit_clause A C L ->
    Mem : mem L A ->
  on UC. [Show Proof]

  unit_clause_not_assigned_negate : forall A C L NL,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA : is_list is_lit A ->
    UC : unit_clause A C L ->
    Neg : negate_lit L NL ->
    Mem : mem NL A ->
  on UC. [Show Proof]

  unit_clause_expand : forall A C L E,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA : is_list is_lit A ->
    IsE : is_list is_lit E ->
    UC : unit_clause A C L ->
    SAT : sat_clause E C ->
    GA_A : good_assignment A ->
    GA_E : good_assignment E ->
    Expand : (forall L, mem L A -> mem L E) ->
    mem L E
  on UC. [Show Proof]

  unit_clause_add : forall A S C L,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsA : is_list is_lit A ->
    IsS : is_list is_lit S ->
    UC : unit_clause A C L ->
    Mem : mem L S ->
    sat_clause S C
  on UC. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_no_lookup : forall Known ID KRest,
  remove_all Known ID KRest -> no_lookup KRest ID. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_no_mem : forall Known ID KRest C,
  remove_all Known ID KRest -> mem (ID, C) KRest -> false. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_still_mem : forall Known ID KRest Other C,
  remove_all Known ID KRest -> mem (Other, C) Known ->
  (ID = Other -> false) -> mem (Other, C) KRest. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_mem_after : forall Known ID KRest Other C,
  remove_all Known ID KRest -> mem (Other, C) KRest ->
  mem (Other, C) Known. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_lookup_after : forall Known KRest ID Other C,
  remove_all Known ID KRest -> lookup KRest Other C ->
  lookup Known Other C. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_is : forall Known ID KRest,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  remove_all Known ID KRest ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) KRest. [Show Proof]

Theorem is_remove_all_exists : forall Known ID,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known -> is_integer ID ->
  exists KRest, remove_all Known ID KRest. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_counts : forall Known ID KRest IDC N,
  remove_all Known ID KRest -> count IDC Known N ->
  ((exists C, IDC = (ID, C)) -> false) -> count IDC KRest N. [Show Proof]

Theorem remove_all_permutation : forall Known ID KRest P,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known -> is_integer ID ->
  remove_all Known ID KRest -> permutation Known P ->
  exists P', remove_all P ID P' /\ permutation KRest P'. [Show Proof]

%a good clause list contains at most one binding for each ID
Define good_clause_list : list (pair integer clause) -> prop by
  good_clause_list Known :=
    forall ID C1 KRest C2,
       select (ID, C1) KRest Known -> mem (ID, C2) KRest -> false.

Theorem good_clause_list_drop : forall L IDC,
  good_clause_list ((IDC)::L) -> good_clause_list L. [Show Proof]

Theorem good_clause_list_select : forall L Rest ID C,
  good_clause_list L -> select (ID, C) Rest L ->
  good_clause_list Rest. [Show Proof]

Theorem good_clause_list_remove_all : forall Known ID KRest,
  good_clause_list Known -> remove_all Known ID KRest ->
  good_clause_list KRest. [Show Proof]

Theorem good_clause_list_add : forall Known ID C,
  good_clause_list Known ->
  ((exists C', mem (ID, C') Known) -> false) ->
  good_clause_list ((ID, C)::Known). [Show Proof]

Theorem good_clause_list_remove_all_add : forall Known ID KRest C,
  good_clause_list Known -> remove_all Known ID KRest ->
  good_clause_list ((ID, C)::KRest). [Show Proof]

Theorem permutation_good_clause_list : forall L P,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) P ->
  permutation L P -> good_clause_list L -> good_clause_list P. [Show Proof]

Theorem good_clause_list_mems : forall L X CA CB,
  good_clause_list L -> mem (X, CA) L -> mem (X, CB) L -> CA = CB. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_help_all_mem : forall Known A Proof ID,
  rupProof_help Known A Proof -> mem ID Proof ->
  exists C, lookup Known ID C. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_help_is : forall Known A Proof,
  rupProof_help Known A Proof ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  is_list is_integer Proof. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_help_unsat : forall Known A Sat Proof,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  is_list is_lit A -> is_list is_lit Sat ->
  %Having both rup_help (a successful proof line)
  rupProof_help Known A Proof ->
  %and a superset satisfying assignment
  (forall (L : lit), mem L A -> mem L Sat) ->
  (forall (InID : integer) (InC : clause),
      lookup Known InID InC -> sat_clause Sat InC) ->
  %that is a good assignment
  good_assignment A -> good_assignment Sat ->
  %is impossible
  false. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_help_orderless : forall K1 K2 A Prf,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K1 ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K2 -> good_clause_list K2 ->
  rupProof_help K1 A Prf ->
  (forall ID C, mem (ID, C) K1 -> mem (ID, C) K2) ->
  rupProof_help K2 A Prf. [Show Proof]

  gatherLits_is : forall C L,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    GL : gatherLits C L ->
    is_list is_lit L
  on GL. [Show Proof]

  gatherLits_exists : forall C,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    exists L, gatherLits C L
  on IsC. [Show Proof]

  gatherLits_permutation : forall C L1 L2,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    GL1 : gatherLits C L1 ->
    GL2 : gatherLits C L2 ->
    permutation L1 L2
  on GL1. [Show Proof]

Projection_Constraint proj_gatherLits : forall C C' L,
  |{clause}- C ~~> C' -> is_clause C -> gatherLits C L ->
  exists L', gatherLits C' L'.

Projection_Constraint proj_gatherLits_permutation :
  forall C C' L L',
    |{clause}- C ~~> C' -> is_clause C -> gatherLits C L ->
    gatherLits C' L' -> permutation L L'.

  gatherLits_sat : forall C Lits Sat,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsSat : is_list is_lit Sat ->
    GL : gatherLits C Lits ->
    Sat : sat_clause Sat C ->
    exists L, mem L Lits /\ mem L Sat
  on Sat. [Show Proof]

  gatherLits_mem_sat : forall C Lits Sat L,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsSat : is_list is_lit Sat ->
    GL : gatherLits C Lits ->
    MemLits : mem L Lits ->
    MemSat : mem L Sat ->
    sat_clause Sat C
  on GL. [Show Proof]

  gatherLits_unsat : forall C Lits Unsat L,
    GA : good_assignment Unsat ->
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    IsUnsat : is_list is_lit Unsat ->
    GL : gatherLits C Lits ->
    Unsat : unsat_clause Unsat C ->
    MemLits : mem L Lits ->
    MemUnsat : mem L Unsat ->
  on Unsat. [Show Proof]

Theorem negateLitList_is : forall L NL,
  is_list is_lit L -> negateLitList L NL -> is_list is_lit NL. [Show Proof]

Theorem negateLitList_exists : forall L,
  is_list is_lit L -> exists NL, negateLitList L NL. [Show Proof]

Theorem negateLitList_mem_negate_before : forall X NL L NX,
   is_list is_lit NL -> mem X NL -> negateLitList L NL ->
   negate_lit X NX -> mem NX L. [Show Proof]

  negate_lits_unsat : forall C L NL,
    IsC : is_clause C ->
    GL : gatherLits C L ->
    NLL : negateLitList L NL ->
    unsat_clause NL C
  on GL. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_all_mem : forall Known C Proof ID,
  rupProof Known C Proof -> mem ID Proof ->
  exists C', lookup Known ID C'. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_is : forall Known C Proof,
  rupProof Known C Proof ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  is_list is_integer Proof. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_maintains_sat : forall Known C Prf Sat,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  is_list is_lit Sat ->
  rupProof Known C Prf ->
  (forall ID InC, lookup Known ID InC -> sat_clause Sat InC) ->
  is_clause C -> is_list is_lit Sat -> good_assignment Sat ->
  exists S, is_list is_lit S /\ good_assignment S /\
            (forall L, mem L Sat -> mem L S) /\ sat_clause S C. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_orderless : forall K1 K2 C Prf,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K1 ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K2 ->
  good_clause_list K2 -> rupProof K1 C Prf ->
  (forall ID C', mem (ID, C') K1 -> mem (ID, C') K2) ->
  rupProof K2 C Prf. [Show Proof]

Theorem rupProof_permutation : forall K1 K2 C Prf,
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K1 ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K2 ->
  good_clause_list K2 -> rupProof K1 C Prf -> permutation K1 K2 ->
  rupProof K2 C Prf. [Show Proof]

 *                          CHECK PROOF                             *
 Don't have proj_proof_unique because there could be multiple ways to
 prove a clause, so it doesn't necessarily make sense to say the proof
 hint needs to be the same
Projection_Constraint proj_proof_is : forall Known P PT,
  Proj : Known |{proof}- P ~~> PT ->
  IsP : is_proof P ->
  IsKnown : is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  GCL : good_clause_list Known ->
  is_proof PT.

 While it isn't unique, we can get the same projection with an
 extended clause set, since all the clauses we need for the proof are
 present in both.
Projection_Constraint proj_proof_extend : forall Known P PT Known',
  Proj : Known |{proof}- P ~~> PT ->
  IsP : is_proof P ->
  IsKnown : is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  IsKnown' : is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known' ->
  GCL : good_clause_list Known ->
  GCL' : good_clause_list Known' ->
  Mems : (forall ID C, mem (ID, C) Known -> mem (ID, C) Known') ->
  Known' |{proof}- P ~~> PT.

%lemma for the next theorem
Theorem sat_lemma : forall ID C Known KRest S,
  (forall CID InC, lookup ((ID, C)::Known) CID InC ->
  sat_clause S InC) -> remove_all Known ID KRest ->
  forall CID InC, lookup ((ID, C)::KRest) CID InC -> sat_clause S InC. [Show Proof]

  check_proof_correct : forall Known P Sat,
    IsP : is_proof P ->
    IsSat : is_list is_lit Sat ->
    GA_Sat : good_assignment Sat ->
    GCL : good_clause_list Known ->
    IsKnown : is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
    %The unsat proof checks out
    CP : checkProof Known P ->
    %and there is a satisfying assignment for the existing clauses---
    Sat : (forall CID C, lookup Known CID C -> sat_clause Sat C) ->
    %this is impossible
  on CP. [Show Proof]

  checkProof_orderless : forall K1 K2 Prf,
    IsP : is_proof Prf ->
    IsK1 : is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K1 ->
    IsK2 : is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K2 ->
    GCL : good_clause_list K2 ->
    CP : checkProof K1 Prf ->
    Prm : permutation K1 K2 ->
    checkProof K2 Prf
  on CP. [Show Proof]

Ext_Size checkProof Known P.
Proj_Rel checkProof Known P.
Ext_Ind forall Known P, checkProof Known P with
           IsP : is_proof P,
           IsKnown : is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known,
           GCL : good_clause_list Known. [Show Proof]

%Projected proof still checks out
Projection_Constraint proj_checkProof : forall Known P P',
  Known |{proof}- P ~~> P' -> checkProof Known P ->
  is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) Known ->
  good_clause_list Known ->
  checkProof Known P'.

 *                         PROVE FORMULA                            *
  formulaToKnown_unique : forall F ID KA KB,
    IsF : is_formula F ->
    IsID : is_integer ID ->
    FTKA : formulaToKnown ID F KA ->
    FTKB : formulaToKnown ID F KB ->
    KA = KB
  on FTKA. [Show Proof]

  formulaToKnown_all_greater : forall F ID K CID C,
    FTK : formulaToKnown ID F K ->
    Mem : mem (CID, C) K ->
    IsID : is_integer ID ->
    CID >= ID
  on FTK. [Show Proof]

  formulaToKnown_all_unique : forall F ID K CID CA KRest CB,
    FTK : formulaToKnown ID F K ->
    IsID : is_integer ID ->
    Slct : select (CID, CA) KRest K ->
    Mem : mem (CID, CB) KRest ->
  on FTK. [Show Proof]

  formulaToKnown_sat_formula : forall F ID K A CID C,
    FTK : formulaToKnown ID F K ->
    Sat : sat_formula A F ->
    Mem : mem (CID, C) K ->
    sat_clause A C
  on FTK. [Show Proof]

  formulaToKnown_is : forall F ID K,
    IsF : is_formula F ->
    IsID : is_integer ID ->
    FTK : formulaToKnown ID F K ->
    is_list (is_pair is_integer is_clause) K
  on FTK. [Show Proof]

Theorem proveFormula_correct : forall F Prf Sat,
  is_formula F -> is_proof Prf -> is_list is_lit Sat ->
  good_assignment Sat ->
  %proof checking out  and  formula satisfiable
  proveFormula F Prf -> sat_formula Sat F ->
  %is impossible
  false. [Show Proof]

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