Sterling Example: modelingMSOS:stores

File: stores.sos

[Reduce File] [Raw File]
Module modelingMSOS:stores

Builds on modelingMSOS:host
Builds on modelingMSOS:vars

e ::= ...
    | loc(int)
/*In the paper, there are separate rules for evaluating names
  depending on whether they are from constant declarations (decl) or
  variable declarations (varDecl).  We cannot do that with them split
  into separate modules, so instead we let names for variables
  evaluate to locations which can then evaluate further by pointer
  dereferencing themselves.*/

-------------------------- [P-Loc]
|{e}- loc(L) ~~> intlit(L)

c ::= ...
    | varDecl(string, e)
    | varAssign(string, e)
/*unlike decl, this declares an updatable variable
  the value stored in env is a location*/

---------------------------------- [P-VarDecl]
|{c}- varDecl(X, E) ~~> decl(X, E)

------------------------------------ [P-VarAssign]
|{c}- varAssign(X, E) ~~> decl(X, E)

ctxElem ::= ...
          | store([e])

------------------------------------ [P-Store]
|{ctxElem}- store(L) ~~> placeholder

getStore Ctx S
getLoc S L V
------------------- [E-Loc]
ev Ctx loc(L) V Ctx

ev Ctx E E1 Ctx1
------------------------------------------ [E-VarDecl-Step]
ev_c Ctx varDecl(X, E) varDecl(X, E1) Ctx1

value E
/*update the store*/
getStore Ctx S
addToStore S E L S1
replaceStore Ctx S1 Ctx1
/*update the variable context*/
getEnv Ctx1 G
replaceEnv Ctx1 (X, loc(L))::G Ctx2
----------------------------------- [E-VarDecl-End]
ev_c Ctx varDecl(X, E) nill Ctx2

ev Ctx E E1 Ctx1
---------------------------------------------- [E-VarAssign-Step]
ev_c Ctx varAssign(X, E) varAssign(X, E1) Ctx1

value E
/*get the location*/
getEnv Ctx G
lookup G X loc(L)
/*update the store*/
getStore Ctx S
updateStore S L E S1
replaceStore Ctx S1 Ctx1
---------------------------------- [E-VarAssign-End]
ev_c Ctx varAssign(X, E) nill Ctx1

Fixed Judgment getStore : [ctxElem] [e]
Fixed Judgment replaceStore : [ctxElem] [e] [ctxElem]

========================= [GS-First]
getStore store(S)::Rest S

getStore Rest S
=================== [GS-Later]
getStore CE::Rest S

============================================= [RS-First]
replaceStore store(S0)::Rest S store(S)::Rest

replaceStore Rest S Rest1
================================= [RS-Later]
replaceStore CE::Rest S CE::Rest1

/*Create new store location Loc holding V:
  addToStore OriginalStore V Loc NewStore*/
Fixed Judgment addToStore : [e] e int [e]
Fixed Judgment addToStore_help : int [e] e int [e]

addToStore_help 0 S0 V L S
========================== [AddToStore]
addToStore S0 V L S

============================ [ATSH-Nil]
addToStore_help L [] V L [V]

1 + I = I1
addToStore_help I1 Rest V L Rest1
====================================== [ATSH-Later]
addToStore_help I E::Rest V L E::Rest1

/*Update the value in location Loc to value V:
  updateStore OriginalStore Loc V NewStore*/
Fixed Judgment updateStore : [e] int e [e]
Fixed Judgment updateStore_help : int [e] int e [e]

updateStore_help 0 S0 L V S
=========================== [UpdateStore]
updateStore S0 L V S

======================================= [USH-First]
updateStore_help L V0::Rest L V V::Rest

1 + I = I1
updateStore_help I1 Rest L V Rest1
======================================= [USH-Later]
updateStore_help I E::Rest L V E::Rest1

/*Get the value V in location Loc:  getLoc S Loc V*/
Fixed Judgment getLoc : [e] int e
Fixed Judgment getLoc_help : int [e] int e

getLoc_help 0 S L V
=================== [GetLoc]
getLoc S L V

====================== [GLH-First]
getLoc_help L V::S L V

1 + I = I1
getLoc_help I1 Rest L V
========================== [GLH-Later]
getLoc_help I V0::Rest L V