Sterling Example: soundX:host

File: def.sos

[Reduce File] [Raw File]
Module soundX:host

tm ::= var(string)
     | abs(string, ty, tm)
     | app(tm, tm)
     | num(int)
     | plus(tm, tm)

Projection tm : [(string, ty)]

ty ::= arrowTy(ty, ty)
     | intTy

Projection ty :

Judgment typeOf : [(string, ty)] tm* ty

lookup Ctx X Ty
-------------------- [T-Var]
typeOf Ctx var(X) Ty

typeOf (X, Ty1)::Ctx Body Ty2
---------------------------------------------- [T-Abs]
typeOf Ctx abs(X, Ty1, Body) arrowTy(Ty1, Ty2)

typeOf Ctx T1 arrowTy(Ty1, Ty2)
typeOf Ctx T2 Ty1
------------------------------- [T-App]
typeOf Ctx app(T1, T2) Ty2

----------------------- [T-Num]
typeOf Ctx num(I) intTy

typeOf Ctx T1 intTy
typeOf Ctx T2 intTy
----------------------------- [T-Plus]
typeOf Ctx plus(T1, T2) intTy

  Desugaring removes all the extension-introduced syntax constructors
  by desugaring sub-terms of known constructors and projecting terms
  built by extension-introduced constructors, then desugaring their
Fixed Judgment desugar_tm : [(string, ty)] tm tm
Fixed Judgment desugar_ty : ty ty
Fixed Judgment desugar_ctx : [(string, ty)] [(string, ty)]

============================ [DTm-Var]
desugar_tm Ctx var(X) var(X)

desugar_ty Ty DTy
desugar_tm (X, Ty)::Ctx Tm DTm
============================================== [DTm-Abs]
desugar_tm Ctx abs(X, Ty, Tm) abs(X, DTy, DTm)

desugar_tm Ctx A DA
desugar_tm Ctx B DB
==================================== [DTm-App]
desugar_tm Ctx app(A, B) app(DA, DB)

============================ [DTm-Num]
desugar_tm Ctx num(I) num(I)

desugar_tm Ctx A DA
desugar_tm Ctx B DB
====================================== [DTm-Plus]
desugar_tm Ctx plus(A, B) plus(DA, DB)

Ctx |{tm}- T ~~> T_P
desugar_tm Ctx T_P DT
===================== [DTm-Proj]
desugar_tm Ctx T DT

desugar_ty A DA
desugar_ty B DB
======================================== [DTy-Arrow]
desugar_ty arrowTy(A, B) arrowTy(DA, DB)

====================== [DTy-Int]
desugar_ty intTy intTy

|{ty}- Ty ~~> Ty_P
desugar_ty Ty_P DTy
=================== [DTy-Proj]
desugar_ty Ty DTy

================= [DCtx-Nil]
desugar_ctx [] []

desugar_ty Ty DTy
desugar_ctx Rest DRest
========================================= [DCtx-Cons]
desugar_ctx (X, Ty)::Rest (X, DTy)::DRest

  Because extensions can only add new constructs and typing rules,
  evaluation and related judgments are defined as fixed.
Fixed Judgment eval : tm tm
Fixed Judgment subst : string tm tm tm
Fixed Judgment value : tm

eval T1 T11
============================= [E-App-Step1]
eval app(T1, T2) app(T11, T2)

value T1
eval T2 T21
============================= [E-App-Step2]
eval app(T1, T2) app(T1, T21)

value T2
subst X T2 Body V
================================ [E-App-Subst]
eval app(abs(X, Ty, Body), T2) V

eval T1 T11
=============================== [E-Plus-Step1]
eval plus(T1, T2) plus(T11, T2)

value T1
eval T2 T21
=============================== [E-Plus-Step2]
eval plus(T1, T2) plus(T1, T21)

I1 + I2 = I
================================== [E-Plus-Add]
eval plus(num(I1), num(I2)) num(I)

X != Y
======================= [S-Var-NEq]
subst X R var(Y) var(Y)

================== [S-Var-Eq]
subst X R var(X) R

X != Y
subst X R B S
===================================== [S-Abs-NEq]
subst X R abs(Y, Ty, B) abs(Y, Ty, S)

===================================== [S-Abs-Eq]
subst X R abs(X, Ty, B) abs(X, Ty, B)

subst X R T1 S1
subst X R T2 S2
================================= [S-App]
subst X R app(T1, T2) app(S1, S2)

======================= [S-Num]
subst X R num(I) num(I)

subst X R T1 S1
subst X R T2 S2
=================================== [S-Plus]
subst X R plus(T1, T2) plus(S1, S2)

=================== [V-Abs]
value abs(X, Ty, T)

============ [V-Num]
value num(I)