Sterling Example: unsat_proofs:lrat

File: syntax.sos

[Reduce File] [Raw File]
Module unsat_proofs:lrat

  Variables are integers
lit ::= pos(int)
      | neg(int)

Projection lit :

clause ::= emptyClause
         | or(lit, clause)

Projection clause :

formula ::= emptyFormula
          | and(clause, formula)

Projection formula :

  Clause ID is an integer
proof ::= emptyLrat(int, [int])
        | addLrupProof(int, clause, [int], proof)
        | deleteLratProof(int, proof)

Projection proof : [(int, clause)]

File: sat.sos

[Reduce File] [Raw File]
Module unsat_proofs:lrat

Judgment sat_clause : [lit] clause*
Judgment sat_formula : [lit] formula*

mem L A
------------------------ [SC-Here]
sat_clause A or(L, Rest)

sat_clause A Rest
------------------------ [SC-Later]
sat_clause A or(L, Rest)

-------------------------- [SF-Empty]
sat_formula A emptyFormula

sat_clause A C
sat_formula A Rest
-------------------------- [SF-And]
sat_formula A and(C, Rest)

Judgment negate_lit : lit* lit

------------------------ [N-Pos]
negate_lit pos(V) neg(V)

------------------------ [N-Neg]
negate_lit neg(V) pos(V)

Judgment unsat_clause : [lit] clause*

-------------------------- [USC-EmptyClause]
unsat_clause A emptyClause

negate_lit L NL
mem NL A
unsat_clause A Rest
-------------------------- [USC-Step]
unsat_clause A or(L, Rest)

File: check.sos

[Reduce File] [Raw File]
Module unsat_proofs:lrat

Fixed Judgment proveFormula : formula proof

formulaToKnown 1 F KnownClauses
checkProof KnownClauses Prf
=============================== [ProveFormula]
proveFormula F Prf

/*Turn a formula into a list of known clauses, numbering them with the
  first argument*/
Judgment formulaToKnown : int formula* [(int, clause)]

--------------------------------- [FTK-Empty]
formulaToKnown ID emptyFormula []

ID + 1 = NewID
formulaToKnown NewID Rest KRest
--------------------------------------------- [FTK-And]
formulaToKnown ID and(C, Rest) (ID, C)::KRest

Judgment checkProof : [(int, clause)] proof*

rupProof Known emptyClause Prf
----------------------------------- [CP-EmptyLrat]
checkProof Known emptyLrat(ID, Prf)

remove_all Known ID KRest
rupProof Known C Prf
checkProof (ID, C)::KRest Rest
----------------------------------------------- [CP-AddLrup]
checkProof Known addLrupProof(ID, C, Prf, Rest)

select (ID, C) KRest Known
checkProof KRest Rest
------------------------------------------ [CP-DeleteLrat]
checkProof Known deleteLratProof(ID, Rest)

Judgment gatherLits : clause* [lit]

------------------------- [GL-EmptyClause]
gatherLits emptyClause []

gatherLits Rest LRest
------------------------------- [GL-Or]
gatherLits or(L, Rest) L::LRest

Fixed Judgment negateLitList : [lit] [lit]

=================== [NLL-Nil]
negateLitList [] []

negate_lit L N
negateLitList LRest NRest
=================================== [NLL-Cons]
negateLitList (L::LRest) (N::NRest)

                         /*known clauses, clause, proof*/
Fixed Judgment rupProof : [(int, clause)] clause [int]
                          /*known clauses, assignment, proof*/
Fixed Judgment rupProof_help : [(int, clause)] [lit] [int]

gatherLits C Lits
negateLitList Lits A
rupProof_help Known A Prf
========================= [RUPP]
rupProof Known C Prf

lookup Known ID C
unsat_clause A C
========================= [RUPPH-End]
rupProof_help Known A [ID]

lookup Known ID C
unit_clause A C L
rupProof_help Known L::A Prf
============================= [RUPPH-Step]
rupProof_help Known A ID::Prf

                     /*assignment, clause, unit ID*/
Judgment unit_clause : [lit] clause* lit

!mem L A
negate_lit L NL
!mem NL A
unsat_clause A C
------------------------ [UC-Here]
unit_clause A or(L, C) L

negate_lit L NL
mem NL A
unit_clause A C UL
------------------------- [UC-Later]
unit_clause A or(L, C) UL

/*remove all the bindings for the given ID
  succeeds even if no bindings are present*/
Fixed Judgment remove_all : [(int, clause)] int [(int, clause)]

================== [RA-Nil]
remove_all [] I []

remove_all IRest I Rest
=============================== [RA-Remove]
remove_all (I, C)::IRest I Rest

A != I
remove_all IRest I Rest
======================================= [RA-Step]
remove_all (A, C)::IRest I (A, C)::Rest